
ModaLisboa TOGETHER SS17

10 October, 2016

Lisbon Fashion Week Together SS17 took place in Páteo da Gale, Lisbon, from October 6 to 9.

Karacter Agency attended the event with the models Bea Marxen, Xiaodi, Marianne Bittencourt, Lucas Ribeiro, Cláudio Gonçalves, Francisco Faria, Ricardo Miranda, Joseph, Rodrigo Matos, Miguel Vital, Deisimara, Beatriz Amaral, a internacional Amelia, Model Tour 2017 winners Marcos Wu and Lola Florez and several finalists of the contest, Daniel Sirbu, Gonçalo Nunes, Anton, Rafael Guerreiro, Dinis Ieseanu, Marcus Vinicius, Raphael Cezare and Sebastian Terestik.

Catarina Oliveira, Morecco and Ricardo Preto M and the project Sangue Novo with Carolina Machado, M HKA, Hermione Flynn, Duarte, Inês Silva, João Barriga, Micaela Sapinho, Daniela Ciolan and Sofiya Malichenko (day 7), Christophe Sauvat, Cia Maritima, David Ferreira, Dino Alves, Nuno Gama, Ricardo Preto S and Valentim Quaresma (day 8), Filipe Faísca, Lidija Kolovrat, Nadir Tatti and Olga Noronha (day 9) where the designers from who the models walked.