The actor Zé Bernardino has a very special participation in SiC’s new end-of- week serie. In “Águia Vermelha” (Águila Roja), the actor plays the King Alfonso VI of Portugal who had the nickname of “The Victorious” because of the victories in the Portuguese Restoration War.
“Águia Vermelha” is a Spanish adventure series that debuted in February 2009 and is still on air. In the first two years of existence was the most watched series by the Spanish public.
Starring David Janer, Javier Gutiérrez, Pepa Aniorte, among many other actors, the series of adventure and intrigue addresses issues such as friendship, love, nobility.
The protagonist, played by David Janer, is an anonymous hero of the seventeenth century known as Águila Roja, which helps the weak and is determined to uncover the conspiracy behind the murder of his young wife.
The serie has received numerous awards, including the Best National Fiction, Best Serie, Best Producer, Best Makeup, Best Art Direction and Direction of Photography.